Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I was over at one of my favorite blogs and saw that Sara Mae was doing a 12 new things in 12 months challenge!  I am ALWAYS up for a challenge and was REALLY excited about trying/learning 12(ish) new things that I have NEVER done before!  Since Morgan is due to arrive in November I won't be starting my "12 new things" until December!  (A little behind...since they started in AUGUST...but better late then NEVER!!!)  But I am REALLY excited about my 12 and I put a LOT of thought into what I might accomplish with the Lords help!  Here they are...

December: Make homemade Cinnamon Ornaments with the boys & hang them on the tree!

January: Learn how to run by following this couch to 5K training schedule found here. (I have NEVER been a runner...but figure now is a good time to start & it wouldn' t hurt with getting some of that baby weight off!  Hehehe)

February: Learn how to make a digital photo book online through this company!

March: Actually RUN this 5K...the date is set!!!!  (I have never ran anything more than 2 miles and that was a WHILE ago!)  :)

April: Learn how to sew my daughter a piece of clothing...this is what I had in mind!

May: Learn to makeTiffany's Homemade Fresh Tortillas with all the works for Cinco De Mayo!!!

June:  Learn to make my own laundry detergent using Mrs. Duggar's recipe!

July: Learn how to make these ADORABLE Distressed picture canvasses of the kids for my BARE bedroom walls.  (Placement may be subject to change depending on how well they turn out!  ;o)

August: Implement a morning devotion for the kids...I liked this Read & Share DVD Bible!

September: Taking a cooking class with my Hubby or a friend at Sur La Table or Hipcooks and learn some new techniques!

October: Go to a College football game with my Husband!  (Not really learning a skill here...but we have never been & we LOVE date night & football!!!)

November: Learn to sew my birthday girl a black apple doll!

I would love to hear if you took up on this challenge...let me know by leaving a comment and a link to your 12 new things!  I will be updating each month on how terrible or how well my challenge turned out for the month!  How FUN!!!  :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Latest from our boys!

Me: (I was trying on clothes at the clothing store)

Payton: Mama, you look like a princess!

Me: (Smiling)

Payton: Like a BIIIIIIG Cinderella!

Me: Thanks a lot kid. :P
My Grandpa passed away in Feb. 2010 and we went to see my Grandma last week for the first time since he has been gone.  In the bathroom on our way to Grandmas Payton asked me where Grandpa was!?  I told him he was up in heaven with Jesus now.  Payton replied "I want to go there!"  (So sweet) And another woman in the stall next to us chuckled and said "Well, not today honey!"  Hahaha.  It sure got his wheels turning though.

So we have been back home now for a few days and at dinner last night Payton asked me again about Grandpa being in heaven with Jesus.  I confirmed that "Yes, Grandpa is up in heaven with Jesus."  And Payton says, well I want to go too!"  So I told him "Well, we have to pray and ask Jesus to forgive us for our sins so we can go to heaven."  (It was all I could think of to say, and we haven't really talked a lot about this yet.)  Payton went back to eating for a bit, and then out of the blue said "Lets pray then!"  (I had a feeling he didn't QUITE get what I meant...but I wanted to see where he was with all of this.)  So, I said OK buddy...go ahead and pray.  This is how it went:

Payton:  Dear Jesus, thank you for our food, bless it to our bodies, AMEN!!!
He then proceeded by throwing his hands in the air and said,  "Lets' go to heaven now!!!"  :)

It was the sweetest thing and totally made me laugh!  It also made me SUPER excited about talking to him more about our Jesus and Lord!


Ethan is juuuust about walking. He has taken up to 9 steps between us and is getting more brave every passing day. He is obsessed with David's deer hanging in the house. he looks and points almost daily and I say "deer" to him. Today he said "Dee" which was his first outside word other than Da-da or Mama. Soooo cute!!! :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

David Wakeboarding

I am posting this video for Dave's brothers...feel free to check it out though! My Hubby is seriously a natural! :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

July - August 2010

This summer has been CRAZY FUN!!! I can't even begin to tell you all that we have done, but let me just say we played HARD knowing that when Morgan arrives in November things will be slowing down a LOT! Here is what we have been up to!

I have to say that I have had a few bee's in my bonnet and it feels GREAT having some pink in the house. I whipped together a cheater blanket (semi-homemade), some birds for her bird mobile, & I'm working on her Birthday banner!

I also made her a girlie car seat cover which I think will work perfect for while she is sleeping. I sewed this paper garland for her room, and here was a side view of a few of her mobile birds!

So, Payton is keeping us in stitches! He is getting so big and LOVES his brother so much. He is obsessed with working like Daddy or even with Daddy some days. I walked into the boys room the other day and this is what I found...Payton "fixing" the bunk beds with his homemade tool belt! LOL

We also went to visit Daddy while he was working on the new Church building. Payton was able to hammer some nails in and help the guys while Ethan & I watched! David also got his bear rug back this summer. We love it!!!

We had a few hot days this summer and we were able to enjoy some fun in the sun at our friends. Payton was stealing kisses from Jewels and Ethan was able to chill with his cute buddy Mayah. They both LOVE LOVE LOVE the water!

Ethan turned ONE!!! I can't believe my baby is already one! He is standing alone now and just took 2 steps last week! We had a little Dr. Seuss Birthday party for him during our home group night. It was so fun and everyone enjoyed the green eggs & ham! (Green deviled eggs and Ham sliders) Ethan loved his didn't take him long at all to dive right in! Happy Birthday buddy!!!

The boys found the dirt pile out back & LOVED it!!!! Too bad they were already dressed for bed when they found it, but I tell you it has kept them entertained for hours this summer! Gotta love it!!!

We went to Seattle with some sweet friends and saw a Mariner's game! We enjoyed a play date at the zoo too!

We were able to get in a lot of water fun this summer. One of the things David enjoyed was trying to see how many tubes he could dive through before getting stuck. He made it past 2! Hahahahaha We also went on our all church camp out and we were able to enjoy some boating! David did AWESOME on the wake board. I was even able to get up for a few minutes too! Not bad for a pregnant lady! :)

Payton showing his buddy Kaiah his awesome dirt pile. We were also able to head out to the lake for a picnic with some great friends! I'm so grateful for such sweet guys to share my life with! By the way, as I type this it is pouring outside and my feet are cold. I have a feeling summer is officially OVER!!! :(